The 7 most important Universal Laws - English

Gepubliceerd op 18 december 2022 om 14:34

Why a blog about Universal Laws: because they are always there, just like gravity. It is therefore better to know how they work so that you can get into the flow and not swim against the current.

There are many Universal Laws, but most of them are derived from the 7 that I am going to describe briefly below. Why do I think Universal Laws are so important: they always apply and we don't learn about them in school. If you take these laws into account in your life on earth, it will run smoothly. Not that you will never be disappointed again or that you will not experience loss, but with a clear consciousness you will look at it differently and experience it differently.
The first law is immediately a very important one for me: The Law of Unity. Everything that exists comes from one source and that is why everything and everyone is connected. Not just us humans, but all living beings. If everything is connected it also means that what you do to "others" you actually do to yourself. So always ask yourself: what would love do?
There is a collective consciousness where everything comes together. The way the world looks now is a reflection of the collective consciousness, to which we all contribute. It is the organizing force of the Universe that we all influence, we are co-creators.
The second law, the Law of Correspondence, teaches us that there are different levels of reality. Not only does each of us have our own reality, but our different bodies also have their own reality. Everything is a reflection of each other, as inside as outside, but also as above so below. Everything is a reflection of the same universal principles.
The third law is the Law of Vibration. As Einstein told us, everything is energy. Energy, like water, seeks the path of least resistance. Everything has its unique vibration pattern. Similar vibrations attract each other. This law includes the law of attraction, attention and surrender. Once we can accept this law, we can begin to change our lives. As soon as we start to feel it, the law of attraction kicks in.
The fourth law, the Law of Polarity, teaches us that without difference there is no observable universe. We can perceive something when it stands out from something else. We can perceive cold if we know what warm is. Everything has two sides and all polarity is relative. Because everything is relative, you can only come to an agreement if you look at what the agreement is from a helicopter view.
We can use duality to become wiser. It will not help us if we insist that we are right. We then become entangled in a world of contradictions.
According to the Law of Rhythm, everything has its own rhythm, so there is little point in forcing it. Because everything has its own rhythm, nothing stays the same. We see it in nature, but also in the rhythm of breathing in and out. By getting to know rhythmic patterns you can grow more and more. Everything changes that is for sure, but the Universal Laws remain the same. We can choose to move with it or cling to something that calls for transformation. "Go with the flow" and developing a feeling for the right moment, without forcing it, is important here. Staying true to your nature in harmony with the world. For this you need the power of the NOW, about which Eckhart Tolle, among others, has written a lot.
The sixth law is the Law of Cause and Effect. It's about action-reaction, every cause brings its effect, it's an interaction. Coincidence does not exist, we only  call it that way, because we do not know the cause, but we do see the effect. What we sow we will reap, if we plant wheat we will reap wheat and not flowers.
The last law I describe in this blog is the Law of Dynamic Balance. Everything is composed of two active principles. Think of Yin and Yang, female and male. Each part retains its own identity and together they form a whole, creating a dynamic balance. It takes a physical action to activate the intangible. The inward feminine principle needs the masculine principle to come out. Both need each other for the dynamic balance. In the world around us you can clearly see what happens when this doesn't go together.

These were the Laws in brief, much has been written about them, but still not many people know about how universal laws work and that they exist. There is so much to find and writtne about.  It is actually all very simple, we often make it very difficult for ourselves.
If you want to read more about it, I can recommend the book by Marja de Vries: the whole elephant in the picture.

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